Sustainable Typesetting® reduces your page count by 20-50% on average compared to traditional publishing. This provides a reduction of CO2 emissions and production cost of your product by 20-50%.
All industries are obligated to take part in the global transition of developing more environmentally friendly practices.
To transition towards more sustainable practices investments and changes are necessary.
Sustainable Typesetting® gives you the opportunity to become more sustainable and profitable at the same time. We give your publishing house a direct impact on your scope 3 emissions across your entire supply-chain. We help to deliver the biggest impact where reductions matters the most.
With Sustainable Typesetting® you can improve readability and accessibility while saving production costs and making a more environmental friendly product.
20% savings or more can be achieved without compromising readability. Your 500 page book will be turned into a 400 page book, with the exact same content and improved readability.
Sustainable Typesetting®-guidelines do not compromise on the quality of the reading experience e.g. point size reduction as you would expect in traditional compact editions.
The goal has to be, to reduce emissions and especially unnecessary resource wasting, and that is exactly the vision for Sustainable Typesetting®.
We cannot produce something and say “It has very little emissions compared to driving a car or taking a flight” - You have to compare against similar products. And if you can produce a book using far less ressources, that is how it should be done.
Sustainable Typesetting’s impact on different print runs
Digital Carbon Footprint
The data file of your product creates emissions. Our typefaces ensures that the digital footprint of those files is reduced.
The reduction is not always 20-50%, more is achievable depending on your current typeface use and practices.
For digital production you need to understand your emissions from production, reading time on devices from your consumers, data storage etc.
We show you how to calculate you digital emissions and how to reduce them.